Bingley Peak

Alberta-BC boundary. Peak
N of Yellowhead Lake
52.8819 N 118.6244 W — Map 083D15 — GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1863 (Milton and Cheadle)
Name officially adopted in 1963
Official in BCCanada

The English town of Bingley was home to Walter Butler Cheadle [1835–1910], who with William Wentworth Fitzwilliam Milton [1839–1877] crossed the Yellowhead Pass Pass in 1863.

While camped on the shore of Buffalo Dung Lake (Yellowhead Lake), their Iroquois guide assured the travelers that two nearby mountains “should be known from that time forth as ‘Le montaigne de Milord’ and ‘Montaigne de Docteur.’ We, however,” wrote Cheadle, “took the liberty of naming them Mount Fitzwilliam and Mount Bingley.”


  • Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam [1839–1877], and Cheadle, Walter Butler [1835–1910]. The North-West Passage by Land. Being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, undertaken with the view of exploring a route across the continent to British Columbia through British territory, by one of the northern passes in the Rocky Mountains. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1865. Internet Archive

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