Category Archives: Map

Palliser Map 1863

General map of the routes in British North America explored by the expedition under Captain Palliser during the years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860

General map of the routes in British North America explored by the expedition under Captain Palliser during the years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860 Internet Archive [accessed 26 February 2025]

Palliiser’s routes [detail]

Palliiser’s routes [detail]

A General Map of the Routes in British North America Explored by the Expedition under Captain Palliser, during the years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. Compiled from the Observations and Reports of Captain Palliser and his Offcers, including the Maps constructed by Dr. Hector, and other authentic documents. To accompany “The Journals, Detailed Reports, & Observations” presented to both Houses of Parliament, by Command of Her Majesty, 19th May, 1863. Standord’s Geographical Estab. London, 1865

Captain John Palliser [1817–1887] was a geographer who hailed from County Meath, Ireland. After service in the military he participated in a hunting exploration among the native peoples of the American West that was chronicled in his book, Adventures of a Hunter in the Prairies, published to much acclaim in 1853.

Later that decade, the Royal Geographic Society proposed to the Colonial Office that Palliser explore Canadian territory between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains, which was approved by Secretary of State for the Colonies, Henry Labouchere. His instructions to Palliser was to attain a general and scientific knowledge of the regions in areas of land, agriculture, coal and minerals.

This map shows the routes taken by the British North America Exploring Expedition over its four year period. Despite a £13,000 budget that was three times the original estimate its findings provided the Government with invaluable evidence on the topographical and economic potential of the country.


  • Palliser, John [1817–1887]. Solitary Rambles and Adventures of a Hunter in the Prairies. London: John Murray, 1853. Internet Archive [accessed 27 February 2025]
  • Palliser, John [1817–1887]. Further Papers Relative to the Exploration by the Expedition Under Captain Palliser of That Portion of British North America Which Lies Betwees the Northern Branch of the River Saskatchewan and the Frontier of the United States; And Between the Red River and the Rocky Mountains, and Thence to the Pacific Ocean.. London: George Edward Byre and William Spottiswoode, 1860. Canadiana [accessed 10 March 2025]
  • Spry, Irene Mary Biss [1907–1998], editor. The Papers of The Palliser Expedition 1857-1860. Champlain Society, 1968. Internet Archive [accessed 26 February 2025]

Peter Pond map western North America 1785

Map without title of the region from Hudson Bay to the Pacific Ocean and from Lake Michigan to the Arctic Ocean

Map without title of the region from Hudson Bay to the Pacific Ocean and from Lake Michigan to the Arctic Ocean Library and Archives Canada [accessed 24 February 2025]

[Map without title of the region from Hudson Bay to the Pacific Ocean and from Lake Michigan to the Arctic Ocean]

Fur trader Peter Pond [1793–1807] pushed farther north and west than any other trader in the 1770s and 1780s. He was the first white man to cross Portage La Loche (also known as Methye Portage) to the Athabasca River and Lake Athabasca. The discovery linked the Mackenzie watershed with the rivers flowing to Hudson Bay. His activities led to the first organization named the North West Company. His reputation for violence, however, invited the suspicion of other traders both inside and outside the concern and eventually forced his withdrawal from the company.

Pond was the first to outline the general features of the Mackenzie River system. His findings fired Alexander Mackenzie [1764–1820] with the possibilities of discovery in the north and led him to follow the course of the river to its frozen mouth in 1789. Pond’s maps and suggested course of the waters of Athabasca are enduring testaments to him as a pioneer in the last great fur-bearing area of North America.

This includes:
Athabasca River [as “R. Arabasca”]
Peace River [as “River of Peace”]

Assiniboine Indians [as “Assiniboine of Canoes”]
Beaver Indians

McGillivray map North America 1817

A map exhibiting the principal trading stations of the North-West Company. 1817

A map exhibiting the principal trading stations of the North-West Company. 1817 University of British Columbia Library

A map exhibiting the principal trading stations of the North-West Company. 1817 [detail]

A map exhibiting the principal trading stations of the North-West Company. 1817 [detail] University of British Columbia Library

A map of America, between latitudes 40° and 70° North, and longitudes 80° and 150° West; exhibiting the principal trading stations of the North-West Company; and intended to accompany the narrative of occurrences in the Indian countries of North America, connected with the Earl of Selkirk, the Hudson’s Bay and the North-West Companies.

Appears to be based on Sax’s map of North America.

[The Earl of Selkirk referred to was Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk [1771–1820], who established the Red River Colony in 1812 in what in now Manitoba.]

The map appears in Notice respecting the boundary between His Majesty’s possessions in North America and the United States, 1817, attributed to Simon McGillivray [1785–1840].

McGillivray played a role in merging the family owned North West Company with the rival Hudson’s Bay Company.

On the map there is a note near the head of Canoe River: “Snare Inds. (now destroyed)”

This map includes:
Athabasca Country
Athabasca Pass
Canoe River
Canoe Encampment [A NWC post indicated here]
Finlay River [as “Finlay’s Bra.”]
Fraser River [as “Fraser’s R.”]
Mackenzie River [as “MacKenzie Riv.”]
Peace River [as “Unjigah or Peace R.”]
Unjigah River [as “Unjigah or Peace R.”]

  • McGillivray, Simon [1785–1840], attributed. Notice respecting the boundary between His Majesty’s possessions in North America and the United States; with a map of America, between latitudes 40° and 70° North, and longitudes 80° and 150° West; exhibiting the principal trading stations of the North-West Company; and intended to accompany the narrative of occurrences in the Indian countries of North America, connected with the Earl of Selkirk, the Hudson’s Bay and the North-West Companies. London: B. McMillan, 1817. University of British Columbia Library

Northern Alberta 1919 map

Northern Alberta showing disposition of lands. Department of the Interior, 1919 (detail)

Northern Alberta showing disposition of lands. Department of the Interior, 1919 (detail)
Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center

Department of the Interior Canada
Honourable Arthur Meighen, Minister
Northern Alberta
Map showing disposition of lands

Including lands reserved for purposes of solider settlement.

BC Lands Map Central 1892

Map of the central portion of British Columbia. 
British Columbia Department of Lands and Works, 1892

Map of the central portion of British Columbia.
British Columbia Department of Lands and Works, 1892
Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center

Map of the central portion of British Columbia compiled and drawn by direction of the Honorable F.G. Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works
Victoria, B.C.
Gotfred Jorgensen, Draughtsman.

Note along the South Fork of the Fraser River:

From the Grand Rapids to Cranberry River (185 miles) the South Fork might be navigated by steamers of light draft. The fall, 2 feet to a mile, is nearly uniform.

Note at Tête Jaune Cache: Iroquois I. Vill.

Harmon’s map interior of North America 1820

Map of the interior of North America, engraved for Harmon’s Journal

Map of the interior of North America, engraved for Harmon’s Journal Internet Archive

Map of the interior of North America (detail), engraved for Harmon’s Journal

Map of the interior of North America (detail), engraved for Harmon’s Journal

Daniel Williams Harmon [1778–1843] was a fur trader and diarist. Harmon was born in Bennington, Vermont, and died in Sault-au-Récollet (Montreal North), Lower Canada. He joined the North West Company in 1800 and gradually moved westward. He took as a common-law wife Elizabeth (Lizzette) Laval or Duval (ca. 1790 – 1862) in 1805, at South Branch House on the South Saskatchewan River. They legally married in 1819, at Fort William, Ontario, and had 12 children.

Harmon arrived in New Caledonia in 1809. There he served for ten years at Fort Saint James and Fort Fraser.

The map seems largely based on Mackenzie’s map North America 1803.

This map includes:
Finlay River
Fraser River
Unjigah River [as “Unjigah or Peace R.”]

Atena Indians
Beaver Indians

  • Harmon, Daniel Williams [1778–1843]. A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the interior of North America between the 47th and 58th degree of North latitude, extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean, a distance of about 5000 miles, including an account of the Principal occurrences during a residence of nearly nineteen years in different parts of that country. To which are added A Concise Description of the face of the Country, Its Inhabitants, their manners, customs, laws, etc.. Burlington, Vermont: 1820, endpocket. Internet Archive

Brownlee’s map Province of BC 1893

Map of the Province of British Columbia. Compiled by J. H. Brownlee, D.L.S., from the latest Maps and Surveys and all reliable sources of information to date.

Map of the Province of British Columbia. Compiled by J. H. Brownlee, D.L.S., from the latest Maps and Surveys and all reliable sources of information to date.
UVic Libraries

Detail of map of BC compiled by J. H. Brownlee, D.L.S.

Detail of map of BC compiled by J. H. Brownlee, D.L.S.
UVic Libraries

Map of the Province of British Columbia.
Compiled by J. H. Brownlee, D.L.S.
From the latest Maps and Surveys and all reliable sources of information to date.
By direction of
The Honourable F. G. Vernon,
Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works.
Victoria, 1893.
Lithographed by the Canada Bank Note Co. Limited, Montreal.

Physical repository: National Archives (Great Britain)


  • Brownlee, James Harrison, D.L.S. [d. 1934]. Montreal: Map of the province of British Columbia. Compiled by J.H. Brownlee, D.L.S. from the latest maps and surveys and all reliable sources of information to date by direction of the Honourable F.G. Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. (1893). UVic Libraries

William Sax map North America 1818

Map of Indian Territories to accompany the report of the Coltman mission. William Sax, 1818. The red horizontal line is “Boundary line claimed by the United States as laid down in an American map published in Philadelphia 1816.”

Map of Indian Territories to accompany the report of the Coltman mission. William Sax, 1818. The red horizontal line is “Boundary line claimed by the United States as laid down in an American map published in Philadelphia 1816.” Library and Archives Canada [accessed 19 February 2025]

North America. The continent west of the Great Lakes north of about 45°N. Detail

North America. The continent west of the Great Lakes north of about 45°N. Detail Library and Archives Canada [accessed 19 February 2025]

Detail of Peace River

Detail of Peace River Library and Archives Canada [accessed 19 February 2025]

The red horizontal line is “Boundary line claimed by the United States as laid down in an American map published inPhiladelphia 1816.”

William Sax [1774–1840], First Clerk in the Surveyor General’s Office of Canada, was active ca. 1795 – 1835. He drafted this map to accompany the 1818 report of William Bacheler Coltman, commission of the peace for the Indian territory of the northwest, regarding the struggle between the Hudson’s Bay Company and the North West Company for hegemony in the fur trade.


1911 Schäffer map

Section of Canadian Rocky Mountains visited during 1907 and 1908

Section of Canadian Rocky Mountains visited during 1907 and 1908
Internet Archive

Outline Map of
Visited during 1907 and 1908.
Sources of information : J. McEvoy’s Survey Map of 1900, Dr. J. Norman Collie’s Sketch Map

Insert: Map of Alberta and British Columbia from “Map of Dominion of Canada 1910.” Shows railway routes, constructed and proposed: Canadian Pacific Railway, Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Canadian Northern Railway.

Mary T. S. Schäffer Warren [1861–1939] explored around Mount Robson in 1908, shortly before the arrival of the Grand Trunk Pacific. This map accompanied the account of her travels, Old Indian Trails.


  • Schäffer Warren, Mary T. S. [1861–1939]. Old Indian trails. Incidents of camp and trail life, covering two years’ exploration through the Rocky Mountains of Canada. [1907 and 1908]. New York: Putnam, 1911, p. 361. Internet Archive