Now called Sheep Creek
53.8333 N 120 W — Map 083L03 — Google — GeoHack
Not currently an official name.
Boundary Commission Sheet 38 (surveyed in 1924)
South of Mount Côté.
South of Mount Côté.
Origin of the name unknown. Mary Lenore Jobe Akeley [1878–1966] mentions Copton Creek in the report on a 1917 winter journey.
Origin of the name unknown. There was a Robert Buchanan who led an group of prospectors from Barkerville to the Fraser River via Goat River in 1886.
Origin of the name unknown.
“Captain Creek (not Otter Creek)” adopted 28 May 1915 on BC map 1G. Mis-labelled “James Creek” on George V. Copley’s 1915 survey plan, 7T203. Named for Captain James Herrick McGregor [1869–1915].
“Mount Wishaw” was adopted in 1958 as labelled on 1929 survey plan 10T264, “McGregor River area,” by Alan John Campbell [1882–1967], British Columbia Land Surveyor. Named after a village in Scotland.
The form of the name was later changed to “Wishaw Mountain.”
After James Herrick McGregor [1869–1915].
Named in association with Kakwa River.