Former name of Steppe Creek
53.1833 N 118.9333 W Google — GeoHack
Not currently an official name.
Wheeler’s map Mount Robson 1912
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 39 — North of Intersection to Kakwa River. Surveyed in 1924
This list contains only names in the southern part of the map.
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 38 — To Intersection Mtn. Surveyed in 1924
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 37 — Avalanche Pass to Casket Pass. Surveyed in 1923, 1924
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 36 — Great Shale Hill to Loren Lake. Surveyed in 1923
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 35 — Chalco Mountain to Beaverdam Pass. Surveyed in 1923
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 34 — Jackpine Pass to Mount Holmes. Surveyed in 1923
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 33 — Carcajou Pass to Jackpine Pass. Surveyed in 1923
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 32 A — Robson Pass. Surveyed in 1924
Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia. Office of the Surveyor-General, 1924
Internet Archive
Sheet 32 — Moose Pass to Cacajou Pass. Surveyed in 1922, 1924