Category Archives: Place

Brûlé (railway point)

Alberta. Railway point: Athabasca River drainage
North of Jasper
53.2833 N 117.85 W — Map 083F05 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1944
Official in Canada
45 miles east of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway station built in 1915
This railway point appears on:
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway stations

Brule #1 1914
Brule #2 1953


  • Bohi, Charles W., and Kozma, Leslie S. Canadian National’s Western Stations. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2002
Also see:

Brûlé Lake

Alberta. Lake: Athabasca River drainage
Widening of Athabasca River north of Jasper
53.2833 N 117.85 W — Map 083F05 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1944
Topo map from Canadian Geographical Names

In 1813 the North West Company established a post on Brûlé Lake as a “provision depot with the view of facilitating the passage of the mountains through Athabasca Pass.” By 1817, Jasper House was on the west shore of the lake, according to Ross Cox [1793–1853].

James Hector [1834–1907] wrote of his explorations in January 1859:

At three o’clock we reached the point where the Athabasca emerges from “Lac à brulé,” which lies at the base of the mountains, which rise from its western shore at least 3,000 feet. This lake was swept by such a violent wind from the south that we could hardly make way against it over the smooth ice. Its eastern shore is formed of immense sand-hills; and as we reached its upper part we found the ice so covered with the same material that the dogs could hardly pull the sleds.

Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot [1880–1924] makes the following comments on the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in the area around 1911:

Here and there the builders were confronted by tremendous difficulties, such as in the vicinity of Brule Lake, at the entrance to the Rockies. This sheet of water is in reality an enlargement of the Athabaska River, the southern bank being deeply indented, and the soil a light sand. The railway skirts the southern bank, and in order to preserve the grade, heavy embankment work was requisite. The remarkable feature of this sheet of water is that it is always swept by a wind which at times assumes the fury of a gale. Even at the time of my arrival in mid- summer, when the air a few hundred yards inland was oppressively still, a keen breeze played across this lake. This peculiarity is attributed to the fact that the expanse lies in the path of the funnel formed by the passage of the river through the mountains, and through this constricted channel the wind is forced to make its way like a huge draught, to expend its force upon this area of water. Be that as it may, its existence resulted in a pretty battle between Nature and the engineers, and the struggle for supremacy lasted a long time.

As fast as the sand was excavated from a cutting and dumped to form an embankment, it was picked up by the wind and driven back again. On this short length of line around the lake there are two notable pieces of work, a cutting from which 87,000 cubic yards were removed, and an embankment built up of 117,000 cubic yards. The broad, high surface of the latter suffered from the full force of the wind, which picked up the sand in dense clouds and drove it irresistibly forward into the cut. At last the engineers erected a series of screens which deflected the eddying, circling wind laden with dust, the latter falling helplessly against these obstructions, and in time forming a natural protection to the cutting. So far as the slope of the embankment was concerned, the expedient of protect- ing its surface with scrub was adopted and found to be highly successful.


  • Cox, Ross [1793–1853]. Adventures on the Columbia River, including the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown: together with a journey across the American continent. 1831. University of British Columbia Library
  • Hector, James [1834–1907]; Palliser, John [1817–1887]; Spry, Irene Mary Biss [1907–1998], editor. The papers of the Palliser Expedition 1857-1860. Toronto: Publications of the Champlain Society XLIV, 1968. Internet Archive
  • Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose [1880–1924]. The making of a great Canadian railway. The story of the search for and discovery of the route, and the construction of the nearly completed Grand Trunk Pacific Railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific with some account of the hardships and stirring adventures of its constructors in unexplored country. London: Seely, 1912, p. 193. Internet Archive
Also see:

Resplendent (CNoR railway point)

British Columbia. Railway point
West end of Moose Lake, between Red Pass Junction and Mount Robson (railway point)
53.0038 N 119.047 W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.
29 miles west of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
Canadian Northern Railway station built in 1915
Topographical Map Showing Mount Robson and Mountains of the Continental Divide North of Yellowhead Pass. Detail of Moose Lake. 1912

Topographical Map Showing Mount Robson and Mountains of the Continental Divide North of Yellowhead Pass. Detail of Moose Lake. 1912
Victoria Library, University of Toronto


  • Bohi, Charles W., and Kozma, Leslie S. Canadian National’s Western Stations. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2002

Rainbow (CNoR railway point)

British Columbia. Railway Point
Canadian National Railway, N side of Moose Lake
52.95 N 118.8667 W — Map 83D/15 — GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name
20 miles west of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
Mile 38 in Albreda Subdivision (Jasper to Blue River as of 1977)
Canadian Northern Railway station built in 1915

  • Bohi, Charles W., and Kozma, Leslie S. Canadian National’s Western Stations. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2002

St. Anne, Mount

British Columbia. Mount: North Thompson River drainage
Between Thunder River and Miledge Creek on W side of North Thompson River,
52.2911 N 119.3114 W — Map 083D06 — GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1865 (Milton and Cheadle)
Name officially adopted in 1962
Official in BCCanada
This mount appears on:
Milton and Cheadle’s map 1865

Lady Anne Wentworth-Fitzwilliam [1838-1879] was the aunt of William Wentworth Fitzwilliam Milton [1839–1877]. Lady Anne married Sir James J. R. Mackenzie.


  • White, James [1863–1928]. “Place names in the vicinity of Yellowhead Pass.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 6 (1914–1915):107-114
Also see:

Mahomet’s Bridge

British Columbia. Former unofficial name: Fraser River drainage
Shale Hill, near Overlander Falls
53.6167 N 119.7833 W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.
This former unofficial name appears on:
Milton and Cheadle’s map 1865

On the afternoon of [July 13, 1863] we came to a place where the trail passed along the face of a lofty cliff of crumbling slate. The path was only a few inches in width, barely affording footing for the horses, and midway a great rock has slipped down from above, resting on the narrow ledge by which we had to pass. This completely barred the way, and the perpendicular cliffs rendered it impossible for us to evade it by taking any other route. We therefore cut down a number of young pine trees, and using them as levers, set to work to dislodge the obstacle. After an hour’s toil, we succeeded in loosening it from its position, and with a single bound it rolled down with sullen plunge into the deep river, far below. We then led the horses past, one by one, with the greatest caution. The path was so narrow and dangerous, that we gave it the name of Mahomet’s Bridge.

— Milton and Cheadle 1865

  • Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam [1839–1877], and Cheadle, Walter Butler [1835–1910]. The North-West Passage by Land. Being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, undertaken with the view of exploring a route across the continent to British Columbia through British territory, by one of the northern passes in the Rocky Mountains. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1865. Internet Archive
Also see:

Lucerne (GTP railway point)

4 miles west of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway station built in 1912

“Presently a gigantic mirror flashed through the trees. We were rounding the eastern arm of Yellowhead Lake, which from its idyllic situation, clear, transparent hue, and reflection of snow-capped battlements and pinnacles, may be aptly described as the Lucerne of British Columbia.” So wrote Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot [1880–1924] of his trip through the Yellowhead Pass in 1910, comparing the grandeur with that of Lucerne, Switzerland.

Talbot travelled with a party of Grand Trunk Pacific Railway executives, including Robert Chamberlain Westover Lett [1870-1957], passenger and colonization agent. The railroad laid its track north of Yellowhead Lake in 1912. A G.T.P. train ticket from 1914 shows Lucerne as a stop.

Between Edmonton and the Yellowhead Pass the Canadian Northern Railway and GTP built virtually parallel lines. Lucerne was CNoR division point, and at one time had a Second Class depot. With nationalization and the combining of the CNoR and GTP lines, Lucerne lost its status as a terminal and the depot was removed.

During the Second World War, about 100 Japanese nationals were interned at camps at Lucerne, Rainbow, Moose River, Fitzwilliam, and Red Pass. As forced labor, they cleared a new right-of-way on sections of the Yellowhead Highway. In different groups they cut the timber off much of the road toward Tête Jaune Cache and along the river toward McBride on the one hand and toward Blue River on the other. As a diversion from their other activities, they built a tea house in the Lucerne camp and for several years it remained as a curiosity shown off by the few local people.

The Lucerne Station post office was open from 1914 to 1926; less than ten cancellation marks are known in collections. A post office was also open at Lucerne from 1942 to 1945; no cancellation marks between those dates are known to exist.

Swift (railway point)

Alberta. Railway point and former settlement
Near current site of Jasper
52.8992 N 118.0666 W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.
21 miles east of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
This railway point and former settlement appears on:
Talbot’s GTP map 1910
Lewis Swift. Photo by Mary T. S. Schäffer Warren, 1908

Lewis Swift. Photo by Mary T. S. Schäffer Warren, 1908
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies

Lewis John Swift [1854–1949] appears to have been first white man to settle in what is now Jasper National Park.

Two miles and a quarter below Maligne River, on the west side of the Athabasca, a piece of land has been taken up by Mr. Swift, who has demonstrated that the country is capable of producing wheat, potatoes, and various kinds of vegetables. On September 2 he had harvested a crop of two kinds of wheat and his potatoes were of good size and quality. A great part of the Athabasca valley would make good farming land, the higher ground, however, would require irrigation.

— McEvoy 1900

Somewhere in there we passed a place with a board that said, “Athabasca House,” and another was, “Henry House.” All we could see of that was a kind of square where the logs had been rotted or burnt, but one of them showed the remains of an old fireplace made out of clay. Then we travelled about eight or ten miles and came to Swift Creek. There was an old squaw man there name of Swift. He had married an Indian woman and they had four or five children and a ranch — a little farm there.

— McDonald 1907

List of photographs:
#91 – Swimming the Athabaska [1908]
#92 – [(Lewis Swift)? 1908]
#93 – The Swift Family [Mrs. Lewis Swift and four children 1908]
#94 – [Mrs. Lewis Swift and four children in front of their home, 1908]
#95 – [One of the Swift children, 1908]
#96 – [Mrs. Lewis Swift and four children, 1908]
#97 – Swift’s mill for flour [1911] / [Byron Harmon]
#98 – Cows at Swifts’ [1908]
#99 – Looking toward Yellowhead Pass Athabaska River – Miette Valley 1908] (p.302)

— Schäffer 1907

But those nineteen days to the Yellowhead were crowded full of unique experiences as well as hard labor. We purchased provisions at the Big Eddy, Prairie Creek, Moberlies and Swifts.

— Kinney M200 1909

After packing up we went about a mile to Mr. Swift’s tiny ranch and farm. It is customary to stop over a day at Swift’s, as this is the last of civilization. But alas for Swift! his big day is now past; for the coming of the railroad brings a change over all the old ways and good old days of the pack trail.… During the afternoon while stayed in camp and did some cooking, Mr. Kinney went out and picked enough wild strawberries for supper. The next morning, after getting a few supplies from Swift and a couple of pecks of potatoes, we started westward and camped early at Caledonia Creek, the first tributary of the Miette River.

— Kinney and Phillips 1910

Planned another attempt.… Set out from Edmonton on August 1, 1908, with John Yates as packer… engaged Adolphus Moberly at Swifts… our mapping included two beautiful lakes, Adolph, on the Smokey River side, and Berg Lake, on the Grand Forks side.

— Coleman 1910

Chapter 31. Swift and his neighbors. Our supplies were nearly done when we once more touched the Athabasca River, and we went down stream a few miles to Swift’s ranch, of which we had heard much from all travellers to and from Tete Jaune Cache. Swift is a most interesting character, a white man of some energy and resource who married a woman of the country, an Iroquois half-breed, many years ago, and had now a brood of wholesome -looking children playing about his log house. He had fenced and ploughed some fields, from which wheat and oats and barley had just been harvested, and had built a watermill on the stream that irrigated his farm to grind his wheat into flour, somewhat brown in colour, but making good bread ; so that, except for sugar, tea, and tobacco, he was as nearly independent as a man can be.He reached this valley in 1894, the year when we had mistaken the Miette for Whirlpool River, had seen our tracks and wondered at them, just as we had pondered over the big hoof -prints of his horses. It was strange that two parties of white men, one from Morley, the other from Edmonton, then only a fur -trading post, should so nearly have met at the sources of the Athabasca.

— Coleman 1911

Lewis John Swift was born February 20, 1854, in Cleveland, Ohio. He set out for the west as a young man, and worked in many of the early mining camps in the Denver area, spent some time in the Black Hills, and for a spell drove the stage from Bismark to Deadwood. After years in the mountain states, he turned up in the embryo Calgary of 1888 and soon moved to the less-crowded outpost village of Edmonton. There or at Lac Ste. Anne he met many of the natives from the Jasper area and in 1890 travelled west with the Moberlys, until he was once more in the mountains. But he was still on the move and before long passed west through the Yellowhead Pass to emerge in due course at Mission Creek in the Okanagan, where he appears to have spent the next two years. Swift was drawn to the Jasper valley and in 1893, bringing a six-inch grindstone and a supply of trade goods, he returned. For two years he lived in the only building that was left of old Jasper House which had been abandoned about ten years earlier. He studied thevalley for two years before he build a new home in the shadow of the Palisades on a piece of land which he thought would make a good divisional pount whenever the rumored second transcontinental railway would be built. He cultivated a little patch of soil and in due course, by irrigating some of it from the stream which flowed past his door, he grew potatoes, wheat for flour, and oats for his horses. He continued trading in a small way and on one trip to Edmonton brought out some cattle and loaded his pack horses with a few domestic chickens. In 1897, near Edmonton, he married the mixed-blood Suzette Chalifoux. Washburn met Swift. Before the coming of the railroad, all travellers passed his doorway, many in desparate need of the provisions which only he could supply. By 1909, Swift was an institution, and would remain one until his death forty years later.

— MacGregor 1974

  • McEvoy, James [1862–1935]. Report on the geology and natural resources of the country traversed by the Yellowhead Pass route from Edmonton to Tête Jaune Cache comprising portions of Alberta and British Columbia. Ottawa: Geological Survey of Canada, 1900. Natural Resources Canada
  • McDonald, Angus, and McDonald, Ervin. “Crossing Yellowhead Pass, 1907, with father Archie and brother Dan.” (1907)
  • Kinney, George R. B. [1872–1961]. Banff: Whyte Museum Archives. Alpine Club of Canada fonds, V14, M200 (1907)., George Kinney papers and photographs, ca.1907. Whyte Museum
  • Coleman, Arthur Philemon [1852–1939]. “Mount Robson, the Highest Point in the Canadian Rockies.” The Geographical Journal (London), Vol. 36, No. 1 (July 1910). JSTOR
  • Kinney, George R. B. [1872–1961], and Phillips, Donald [1884–1938]. “To the top of Mount Robson.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1910):21-44. Alpine Club of Canada
  • Coleman, Arthur Philemon [1852–1939]. The Canadian Rockies: New and Old Trails. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. Internet Archive
  • Schäffer Warren, Mary T. S. [1861–1939]. Mary Schaffer fonds M79 / V527 (1907–1911). Whyte Museum
  • Young, T. C. “Lewis James Swift : first white man to settle in Jasper National Park.” Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 2 No. 1 (1954):31-32. Whyte Museum
  • MacGregor, James Grierson. Overland by the Yellowhead. Saskatoon: Western Producer, 1974. Internet Archive