Category Archives: Place

Ida, Mount

British Columbia. Mount
Peace River and Smoky River drainages
SW of Jarvis Lakes in Kakwa Provincial Park
54.0583 N 120.3264 W — Map 093I01 — GoogleGeoHackBivouac
Earliest known reference to this name is 1875 (Hanington)
Name officially adopted in 1965
Official in BCCanada
Elevation: 3200 m

Named for reasons known to themselves by Canadian Pacific Railway surveyors Edward Worrell Jarvis [1846–1894] and Charles Francis Hanington [1848–1930] during their February 1875 crossing of what is now known as Jarvis Pass in search of a route across the Rocky Mountains.

Smoky Peak resembles Mount Ida. One rises in striking grandeur to guard the western side of the pare, while the other guards the east. They both present the came aspect, solitary, with their white summits in the clouds, glaciers covering their sides to the line of vegetation, and then the blue and green of the forest covering, they are indeed grand sights and worthy of an artist’s brush.

— Hannington 1875

A few words in conclusion. Members of the Alpine Club of Canada seemed to have noticed this mountain [Mount Sir Alexander] during their summer camp of 1913 near Mt. Robson, for the accounts read that “many fine snow mountains appear, one of enormous size, some eighty miles away, which rivals Mt. Robson.” Apparently this is the mountain they refer to, for the distance they estimated is almost exactly correct. Later on in our trip I heard of trappers who spoke of an enormous mountain at the head of the north fork of the Fraser River. Apparently it was known to the Indians too, but the only other white man whom I have been able to find who has seen it at close range was a Mr. Jones (whose initials forget), whom I saw in Edmonton on my return. He had spent four years surveying for suitable pass for the Grand Trunk Ry., and about ten years ago first saw the mountain. When I asked his opinion as to its height, he said that as he was looking for low passes and not high mountains he did not measure it accurately, but he knew it was at least 12,000 feet, and that was the figure we found on his map. Previous to his trip a man named Jarvis had crossed from the Fraser waters to the Porcupine through this valley up which we had come, and to the knife-like mountain he had given the name of “Mount Ida.”

— Fay 1915

Mount Ida, too, was clearly visible, with a great stretch of ice and snow extending between it and its giant neighbor.

— Jobe 1916

The writer is unable to say who first saw this mountain. Mackenzie certainly did not. E. W. Jarvis, an intrepid explorer for the proposed Canadian Pacific Railroad, passed within ten miles of it in February 1875 when he discovered the pass which bears his name just north of Mt. Sir Alexander. But there are only one or two locations on his route from which the mountain can be seen, and as he made the trip in the dead of winter it is quite probable that the peak was wrapped in clouds, as it is a large part of the time, and that he had no knowledge of its presence. This conclusion is borne out by the fact that he described the next highest mountain in the region, a very conspicuous peak eight miles northeast of Mt. Sir Alexander, and named it, for reasons best known to himself, “Mt. Ida”. This name happily has not been changed.

— Vreeland 1930

  • Hanington, Charles Francis [1848–1930]. Journal of Mr. C.F. Hanington from Quesnelle through the Rocky Mountains, during the winter of 1874-5. 1875. Internet Archive
  • Fay, Samuel Prescott [1884–1971]. “Mount Alexander.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 6 (1914–1915):121
  • Jobe Akeley, Mary Lenore [1878–1966]. “Mt. Alexander Mackenzie.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 7 (1916):62–73
  • Fay, Samuel Prescott [1884–1971]. “Note on Mount Alexander Mackenzie and Mount Ida.” Alpine Journal, Vol. 36 (1924):421
  • Vreeland, Frederick K. “Early Visits to Mount Sir Alexander.” American Alpine Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1930). American Alpine Club

British Columbia. Mount: Peace River drainage
SW of Jarvis Lakes in Kawka Provincial Park
54°3’30” N 120°19’35” W — Map 093I01 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1965
Official in Canada

Sunbeam Creek Ecological Reserve

British Columbia. Ecological Reserve: Fraser River drainage
Head of Sunbeam Creek
53.3528 N 120.1139 W — Map 093H08 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 2010
Official in BCCanada

Sunbeam Creek Ecological Reserve was established in 1972 to protect a variety of alpine communities representative of the western edge of the Rocky Mountains.

The 511-hectare reserve encompasses McBride Peak and adjacent summits to the northeast and northwest. These mountains form the western-most flank of the Park Range, immediately adjacent to the Rocky Mountain trench. Mountains in the reserve have generally rounded summits, having been overtopped by a dome of Pleistocene ice which reached the 2450 m elevation. They therefore lack the matterhorn-like peaks of higher mountains further east in the Park Ranges which protruded above the regional ice sheet, e.g. Mount Robson. Local alpine glaciers and stream erosion during the past ten thousand years have dissected the rounded summits to some extent, producing U-shaped valleys separated by relatively sharp crests. Surficial materials are largely morainal and colluvial. Freeze-thaw action has resulted in characteristic alpine features like solifluction lobes and frost-shattered rock. The climate is cold and windy. Glaciers do not presently exist, but snow patches are present on north-facing slopes for most of the summer. Drainage is via Sunbeam Creek and McKale River into the Fraser River.

Slopes in the reserve face all directions and terrain varies from moist stream- bottoms to alpine crests, therefore, a variety of alpine plant communities are present. To date, however, these have been only superficially described. A few scattered whitebark pine and subalpine fir trees, largely in a krummholz form, occur on slopes along stream valleys in the lowest parts of the reserve (1830- 1950 m). These areas may have affinities with the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Zone, but are extremely limited in extent. The bulk of the reserve is in the Interior Mountain-heather Alpine zone.

Extensive well-drained slopes above the treeline are dominated by pink, yellow and white mountain-heather and white mountain-avens. White rhododendron, oval-leaved blueberry, Sitka valerian and Indian hellebore are common at lower elevations. Moss campion, glaucous gentian, and a variety of grasses, sedges and lichens are present.

The alpine area is used for recreation because of easy access and the location of the reserve in the middle of a well known hiking route.

There is a communications tower on site, which was there before the reserve was designated.


Lower Raush Protected Area

British Columbia. Protected Area: Fraser River drainage
W side of Raush River, W of Dunster
53.1428 N 120.0353 W — Map 093H01 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 2018
Official in BCCanada

Lower Raush Protected Area established by Order in Council in 2001, the whole containing approximately 1279 hectares.


Upper Raush Protected Area

British Columbia. Protected Area: Fraser River drainage
Upper Raush River
52.9622 N 119.9931 W — Map 083D13 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 2001
Official in BCCanada

Upper Raush Protected Area established by Order in Council 57, 25 January 2001 and redescribed as per Order in Council 2001/398: the whole containing approximately 5582 hectares.

While the Upper Raush (5,582 ha) and Lower Raush (1,279 ha) are two distinctly separate protected areas, their adjacency and similarity warrant their being documented as one unit.

Created through the efforts of the Robson Valley Land and Resource Management Plan and the Protected Areas Strategy, these protected areas protect portions of an undeveloped, relatively pristine watershed. Located on the southwest side of the Fraser River, just south of McBride, these protected areas have no road access or facilities of any kind. As part of the Northern Columbia Mountains Ecosection, these protected areas contain four biogeoclimatic subzones. Dominating the valley floor is Sub-boreal Spruce (SBSdh) while slightly upslope a rare variant of Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICHmm) exists. Higher yet, one finds Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir (ESSFmm1) melding into Alpine Tundra (AT).

There is no road access to either of these protected areas. There is an old road on the east side of the Raush River, on private land, and permission from the owner must be obtained. The Lower Raush protects excellent riparian wildlife habitat, while the Upper Raush protects a variety of biogeoclimatic subzones.


Rearguard Falls Park

The Rearguard Falls viewpoint provides an excellent opportunity for travelers to witness the end of a long journey by the Chinook, largest of the Pacific salmon. These fish have survived several years at sea to return to the river of their birth, the mighty Fraser. From its estuary in British Columbia’s lower mainland to this point, the Chinook have traveled upstream over 1200 km. Some may be successful battling over these falls to reach the gravel above, but for most, Rearguard Falls marks the end of their journey.


Terry Fox Creek

British Columbia. Creek: Fraser River drainage
Flows W into Fraser River downstream of Swiftcurrent Creek
52.9758 N 119.3183 W — Map 083D14 — GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1981
Name officially adopted in 1981
Official in BCCanada

Adopted in 1981; BC Parks required a name for this watercourse for a boundary description.
