Category Archives: Place
Mount Teare
Between Holmes River and McKale River, NE of McBride
53.3333 N 120.0833 W — Map 93H/8 — Google — GeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1912 (Collie)
Name officially adopted in 1965
Official in BC – Canada
Collie’s map Yellowhead Pass 1912
Jobe’s map Jarvis Pass to Yellowhead 1915

The Teare Boys. Two prospectors who are known on trail and river from Edmonton to the Pacific.
Hathi Trust
“Teare Mountain” was adopted in the 1930 BC Gazetteer, as labelled on BC Lands’ map 1G, 1916. Form of name changed to “Mount Teare” in the 1953 BC Gazetteer.
Stanley Washburn [1878–1950] met Bill Teare near McBride in 1909. “I beheld one of the finest specimens of manhood that the eye could ever wish to behold,” Washburn wrote. “Medium height, thick-set, eyes like steel, curly hair and a smile like sunshine were the first impressions that I got. Bill gave my hand a squeeze that made the bones crack.” Washburn met Bill and his brother Morton when he came through the Yellowhead Pass to investigate a quartz prospect near Holmes River (which they called Beaver River). Washburn described the meeting in Trails, Trappers and Tenderfeet in the New Empire of Western Canada, published in 1913.
Mort and and his older brother Bill were among the many children of John and Melissa Teare of Nova Scotia, originally from Wales. The brothers ran a small sawmill in Nova Scotia until it burned down. They came out to British Columbia, working as canoe-men on the Columbia River, and paid the debts back home. They spent several years prospecting around B.C., along the Fraser River north of Quesnel, along the Telegraph Trail, and in the Peace River country. In July, 1907, accompanied by the Englishman Ted Abrams, the Teares left Kamloops for Tête Jaune Cache. They prospected around Horsey Creek and then descended the Fraser in a dug-out canoe. They found an outcropping of good quality quartz on the side of the Beaver. They worked on the find for a couple of years, but nothing came of it.
Washburn quotes Bill Teare:
My capital is my manhood, my time, and my stength. I am investing that now and someday we’ll make a strike. And I’d rather make my little stake by 20 years spent in the free open air with no man to call himself my boss, than lay it up penny by penny in some stifling settlement in the east. We own this country now, and when the steel comes and it gets too crowded, why then me and Mort can pull out further north. And I guess there’s plenty of country up there that will hold us our turn.
In 1911 the Teare brothers were hired to do a rough survey of the McBride townsite. After they had set up a tent at the site, a fire swept through the valley, and they were forced to take to the river to save their skins. In September of that year Bill Teare helped Ernest C. Cox launch a boat on the McLennan River. The Teare brothers pulled out of the McBride area after the railroad was constructed, also around 1911.
In 1931, Mort Teare served on a Prince George coroner’s jury, looking into the death of John Bennett, who had starved to death in the Pine Pass the winter before. Gerald Andrews knew Mort at Finlay Forks in 1939.
Two of the Teares’ relatives, Mary Teare Buchanan of White Rock, B.C., and Edith Teare Boergadine of Centralia, Washington, visited McBride in 1981, in search of Teare Mountain. They reported that Bill had a ranch in Edson where he tamed wild horses for pack trains. Bill died in the Yukon and Mort spent his declining years with relatives in Vancouver.
During McBride’s 50th jubilee in 1983, a dozen Teare relatives visited the village. None of them were direct descendents of Will or Mort, neither of whom married.
- Washburn, Stanley [1878–1950]. Trails, Trappers and Tenderfeet in the New Empire of Western Canada. New York and London: Henry Holt, Andrew Melrose, 1912. Hathi Trust
- MacGregor, James Grierson [1905–1989]. Overland by the Yellowhead. Saskatoon: Western Producer, 1974. Internet Archive
- Wheeler, Marilyn [1932–2016]. The Robson Valley Story. McBride, B.C.: Robson Valley Story Group, 1979
- Andrews, Gerald Smedley [1903–2005]. Métis outpost. Memoirs of the first schoolmaster at the Métis settlement of Kelly Lake, B.C. 1923-1925. Victoria: G.S. Andrews, 1985. Internet Archive
Taverna station
Canadian National Railway, E of Tête Jaune Cache
52.9736 N 119.4139 W — Map 83D/14 — Google — GeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1989
Official in BC – Canada
Mile 22 in Tete Jaune Subdivision (Red Pass to McBride as of 1977)
J. Taverna was master mechanic for Canadian National Railways in Kamloops. A Taverna family resided at Lucerne (CNoR railway point) around 1915.
- Valemount Historic Society. Yellowhead Pass and its People. Valemount, B.C.: 1984
- CN (Canadian National Railway). Transportation planning branch, Edmonton, and historical office, Montréal. 2000
Tatei Ridge
E of Berg Lake
53.1608 N 119.0794 W — Map 83E/3 — Google — GeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1956
Official in BC – Canada
Boundary Commission Sheet 32 A (surveyed in 1924)
“Tatei” is the Nakoda or Stoney word for “wind.”
“Tatei Ridge” is listed at the Indigenous Geographical Names dataset as a word of Stoney language.
- Canadian Board on Geographical Names. Place-names of Alberta. Published for the Geographic Board by the Department of the Interior. Ottawa: Department of the Interior, 1928. Hathi Trust
- Holmgren, Eric J., and Holmgren, Patricia M. Over 2,000 place names of Alberta. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Modern Press, 1973. Internet Archive
Tamerack Road
Province: British Columbia
Location: Forks off Balsam Road
Swish Creek
Flows N into Slim Creek, SW of Dome Creek (community)
53.685 N 121.1592 W — Map 093H11 — Google — GeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1958
Official in BC – Canada
Origin of the name unknown.
Swiftwater station
Canadian National Railway, E of Tête Jaune Cache
52.9819 N 119.3 W — Map 83D/14 — Google — GeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1989
Official in BC – Canada
Mile 14 in Tete Jaune Subdivision (Red Pass to McBride as of 1977)
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway station built in 1913
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway ticket 1914
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway map ca. 1918
Pre-emptor’s map Tête Jaune 3H 1919
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway stations
Origin of the name unknown.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Flows SE into Fraser River, SW of Robson River
53.0167 N 119.2667 W — Map 83E/3 — Google — GeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1898 (McEvoy)
Name officially adopted in 1951
Official in BC – Canada
“Swift-current River is an erratic, turbulent stream fed by glaciers. It may sometimes be forded without difficulty in the morning and the same evening be utterly impassable,” wrote James McEvoy [1862–1935], who surveyed the area in 1898.
That same year a placer strike was made on the creek and several prospecting parties flocked in. After working for a season without finding enough gold to pay their expenses, they left.
- McEvoy, James [1862–1935]. Report on the geology and natural resources of the country traversed by the Yellowhead Pass route from Edmonton to Tête Jaune Cache comprising portions of Alberta and British Columbia. Ottawa: Geological Survey of Canada, 1900. Natural Resources Canada
- MacGregor, James Grierson [1905–1989]. Overland by the Yellowhead. Saskatoon: Western Producer, 1974. Internet Archive
Swift Creek (railway point)
Canadian National Railway, head of Canoe River
Earliest known reference to this name is 1918
Not currently an official name.
Mile 72 in Albreda Subdivision (Jasper to Blue River as of 1977)
Canadian Northern Railway station built in 1915
Pre-emptor’s map Tête Jaune 3H 1919
Canadian National Railway map 1925

Katherine Blackman, Betty Cox, Mrs. Minnard and Mrs. Couture outside Swift Creek station, 1924
Valemount & Area Museum
The Cranberry Lake post office was changed to Swift Creek in 1918. In 1927, the Canadian National Railway decided to move the Swift Creek railway station and name it Valemount, the “valley in the mountains.”
- Topping, William. A checklist of British Columbia post offices. Vancouver: published by the author, 7430 Angus Drive, 1983
- Bohi, Charles W., and Kozma, Leslie S. Canadian National’s Western Stations. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2002
Swift Creek
Flows SW into McLennan River at Valemount
52.85 N 119.3 W — Map 83D/14 — Google — GeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1900 (McEvoy)
Name officially adopted in 1951
Official in BC – Canada
McEvoy’s map Yellowhead Pass 1900
Collie’s map Yellowhead Pass 1912
Pre-emptor’s map Tête Jaune 3H 1919