Category Archives: Place

Stag Ranch

Feature type: settlement
Province: British Columbia
Location: Mountainview Road, across from Koeneman Park

The ranch house was built in the early 1920s by the Jayes. Three old bachelors, Charles Dredger (1883-1970), Louie Noon and Eddie Egan (d. ca. 1940), purchased the ranch in 1931. Dredger said, “That’s how this place got the name of the Stag Ranch, and it’s been staggering ever since.”

Dredger came to the area in 1911, while the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad was under construction. He drove scows transporting supplies down the Fraser River from Tête Jaune Cache to Prince George. After guiding their unwieldy craft downriver, the bargemen then had to walk back, a distance of 160 miles. Charlie made the trip five times.


  • McBride cemetery. Grave markers.
  • Personal correspondence.
  • Robson Valley Courier. Weekly newspaper published by Pyramid Press of Jasper from1969–88.
  • Wheeler, Marilyn. The Robson Valley Story. McBride, B.C.: Robson Valley Story Group, 1979

Spittal Creek

British Columbia. Creek: Fraser River drainage
Flows SW into Fraser W of Tête Jaune Cache
52.9897 N 119.5278 W — Map 083D13 — GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1907 (MacDonald)
Name officially adopted in 1956
Official in BCCanada

The creek is possibly named for Bill Spittal, who had doings in the area in 1907.

Ervin and Angus MacDonalds met Spittal in 1907, while they were on their way west through the Yellowhead Pass to look for land in British Columbia. They ran into Spittal and “two young Irishmen name of Monohan” while rafting across the MacLeod River. “Spittal had got this Irish company to grubstake him, as he had told them some tales about hitting good placer claims on a big creek about 10 or 12 miles west of Tête Jaune Cache,” according to Ervin. The MacDonalds accompanied the prospectors to Spittal’s creek. For three days, nobody could find any color. “Finally Spittal got worked up about it, and lost his temper and says, ‘Darn it, there ought to be gold here because I put it here!’ This blew the prospecting party all to hell.”

The MacDonalds went on to settle in the Cariboo. “Two years later we heard of Spittal,” said Angus. “Some Indians came into the 70 Mile House with a story about white men starving up in the Clearwater country, and the police came through our ranch to look for them. Apparently Spittal had got hold of some ore samples and showed them to people claiming they were from a mine he had found up there. They paid him money to take them to it in the fall and got snowed in. The only thing that saved them from starvation was shooting one of their horses.”

According to another version of the story, Spittal had convinced three partners to head up the Goat River trail from Barkerville. When an expected cache of supplies at the Fraser River was missing, Spittal’s party went to the cabin of two trappers, Steinhoff and Bogardus. The trappers offered enough grub for the prospectors to return to Barkerville. Two of the partners, Baker and McCurdie, accepted and headed back. They took a wrong turn up Macleod Creek and froze to death. Spittle and the remaining partner raided Steinhoff and Bogardus’s cabin and headed for the Shuswap Indian village at Tête Jaune Cache. There they stayed until spring, when the police came in. Spittal, an American citizen who had been in trouble for smuggling Chinese aliens, was deported.


  • MacDonald, Ervin Austin. The Rainbow Chasers. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1982
  • Valemount Historic Society. Yellowhead Pass and its People. Valemount, B.C.: 1984
  • Wright, Richard. “Tales of a trail [Goat River].” BC Outdoors, (1985)

Spicer (railway point)

British Columbia. Railway Point
Canadian National Railway, N of Valemount
52.8847 N 119.3042 W — Map 83D/14 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1989
Official in BCCanada
55 miles west of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
Mile 70 in Albreda Subdivision (Jasper to Blue River as of 1977)

J. H. Spicer was vice-president of the Canadian National Railway mountain region in Edmonton.


  • CN (Canadian National Railway). Transportation planning branch, Edmonton, and historical office, Montréal. 2000

South Pass

Alberta-BC boundary. Pass: Athabasca River drainage
Headwaters of Grant Brook and Miette River
52.9864 N 118.6608 W — Map 083D15 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1956
Official in BCCanada
This pass appears on:
Boundary Commission Sheet 30 (surveyed in 1924) [as “South Passage”]

One of three routes through Miette Pass.


British Columbia. Settlement
CNR, W of Loos
53.6235 N 120.7715 W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.
137 miles west of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
This settlement appears on:
Pre-emptor’s map 1931 Tête Jaune Sheet

When the Allen-Thrasher Lumber Company set up a sawmill four miles west of Loos in 1920, they named it Snowshoe, after the nearby Snowshoe Creek, a name appearing in the 1915 Provincial Pre-emptor’s map. The company had trouble with the payroll in 1928, and when the mill burned down the next year it was the end of the line. Another small mill operated there for a while in the early 1940s. The Snowshoe post office was open from 1924 to 1944.


  • Wheeler, Marilyn. The Robson Valley Story. McBride, B.C.: Robson Valley Story Group, 1979
  • Wheeler, Marilyn. The Robson Valley Story. McBride, B.C.: Robson Valley Story Group, 1979
  • Topping, William. A checklist of British Columbia post offices. Vancouver: published by the author, 7430 Angus Drive, 1983
Also see:

Snowbird Pass

Alberta-BC boundary. Former unofficial name
E of Berg Lake, N of Lynx Mountain
53.148 N 119.0512 W GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1912
Not currently an official name.
This former unofficial name appears on:
Wheeler’s map Mount Robson 1912

“On the opposite side of Robson Glacier is a rock mass of similar construction to Rearguard,” noted Arthur Oliver Wheeler [1860–1945] during the Alpine Club of Canada’s 1911 expedition to the Mount Robson area. “It has been named Ptarmigan Mountain by Coleman, from the numbers of this species of grouse — Snowbirds, they are called by the hunters, prospectors and packers, from the fact that in winter they are pure white and their habitat is at snow line — seen on the alplands below them. Unfortunately, there is already a Ptarmigan Peak, Pass and Lake near Laggan on the C.P.R., and this name will require a change. Snowbird Mountain and Pass might be substituted.” Arthur Philomen Coleman [1852–1939] explored in the area in 1907 and 1908.

“Ptarmigan Mountain” is now called “Titkana Peak.” The pass apparently does not have an official name, although it is used by the BC Parks Branch.


  • Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. “The Alpine Club of Canada’s expedition to Jasper Park, Yellowhead Pass and Mount Robson region, 1911.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 4 (1912):9-80
  • British Columbia Parks. Mount Robson Provincial Park
Also see:

Smoky River (Morkill)

British Columbia. River: Fraser River drainage
Local name of Morkill River
53.6 N 120.7 W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.

This local name for the Morkill River was in use before the surveyor Dalby Brooks Morkill [1880–1955] visited the area in 1913. Stanley Washburn [1878–1950] camped on the “Big Smoky” in 1909. It appears on the 1915 Provincial Pre-Emptors map as “Morkill (Little Smoky).”


  • Washburn, Stanley [1878–1950]. Trails, Trappers and Tenderfeet in the New Empire of Western Canada. New York and London: Henry Holt, Andrew Melrose, 1912. Hathi Trust