Category Archives: Place

Rudolf Peak

Alberta. mount
Approximately 135 km NW of Banff
51°47’48” N 117°05″19′ W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.
Elevation: 3507 m

A peak of Mount Lyell, named after Swiss Guide Rudolph Aemmer.


  • Karamitsanis, Aphrodite [1961-]. Place names of Alberta: Mountains, mountain parks and foothills. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1991


British Columbia. Railway point
Former name of Goat River station
53°32’00” N 120°34’00” W GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1914 (GTP Timetable)
Not currently an official name.
117 miles west of the Yellowhead Pass on the Canadian National Railway
This station appears on:

Grand Trunk Pacific map from around 1912
Grand Trunk Pacific timetable (1162 miles from Winnipeg) from 1914
Grand Trunk Pacific timetable from 1914
Grand Trunk Pacific map from around 1918
Canadian National Railway map from 1925

The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway station at Mile 117 (west of the Yellowhead Pass) was named “Rooney,” after W. J. Rooney, superintendent of construction in charge of the Grand Trunk Pacific Telegraph Service. In the 1930s Rooney authored several articles in the journal Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity. As a member of the department of terrestrial magnetism at the Carnegie Institute of Washington, Rooney contributed a chapter on Earth-currents to Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity (1939), volume eight of the Physics of the Earth series.

Sometime between 1918 and 1925 the station was renamed “Goat River.” The name “Rooney” appears on the 1925 CNR map.

During the construction of the GTP there was a hospital at mile 114 which was west of the bridge over the Goat River. The siding and Rooney station was one and a half miles west of the Goat River bridge.

Wrigley’s British Columbia Directory, 1918:

ROONEY: a siding on the G. T. P. Railway, 28 miles west of McBride, and 9 miles east of Loos. Local resources: Farming and prospecting.
Charles Brackel, prospector
Gus Gunderson, section foreman
Mentz Martinson, farming
John VanSlack, farming


  • Wrigley Directories, Limited. Wrigley’s British Columbia Directory. Vancouver: 1918. Internet Archive
  • Rooney, W. J. “The significance and accuracy of measurements of Earth-current potentials.” Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, Vol 32, No, 3 (1932):363-374. American Geophysical Union
  • Fleming, J. A., editor. Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity. Physics of the Earth. Vol. 8. New York and London: McGraw-Hill, 1939. Internet Archive
  • Olson, Raymond W. Ghost Towns on the East Line. Prince George, B.C.: Raymond W. Olson, 2017

Rocky Mountains

British Columbia. Mountain range
From the northernmost part of western Canada to New Mexico in southwestern United States
54.4997 N 122.4997 W GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1752 (Legardeur St. Pierre)
Name officially adopted in 1953
Official in BCCanada

The first travellers called them the Glittering Mountains, on account of the infinite number of immense rock crystals, which, they say, cover their surface, and which, when they are not covered with snow, or in bare places, reflect to an immense distance the rays of the sun. The name Rocky Mountains was given them, probably by later travellers, in consequence of the enormous isolated rocks which they offer here and there to view.

— Gabriel Franchère 1854, quoted in Thorington

The earliest reference to this mountain chain is that of James Knight (c. 1640–c. 1721) , governor of York Factory who, in his diary for 1716, states that Indians had told him that very far to the west there were prodigious mountains so high “they cannot see the tops without it be clear weather.” The first mention of their present name is to be found in Legardeur St. Pierre’s journal for 1752, which refers to the “Montaignes de Roche.”

“Mountains of the bright Stones” on Carver’s map, 1778.

The name of the mountains is a translation of an Amerindian name that is closely related to Algonquian; the Cree name as-sin-wati is given as, “When seen from across the prairies, they looked like a rocky mass”.

The Cree name is Usinnewucheyu, meaning “big rocks” (A Dictionary of the Cree Language, by E.A. Watkins, revised by J.A. Mackay, edited by Richard Faries, 1938). The Sekani name for the Rocky Mountains is Tse Tiy. [meaning/significance and extent not provided] (from Guzagi K’úgé, published by Kaska Tribal Council, Watson Lake, 1997). The Ktunaxa name for the Rocky Mountains is Natmuqc/in, pronounced nath-mook-stin. [meaning/significance and extent not provided] (April 2006 advice from Janice Alpine, Ktunaxa Language Program)

“‘There are no Rocky Mountains’ has been the remark of many a disappointed traveller by the Union or Central Pacific Railways,” wrote George Grant in 1872. “The remark will never be made by those who travel on the Canadian Pacific; there was no ambiguity about these being mountains, nor about where they commenced. The line was defined, and the scarp as clear, as if they had been hewn and chiselled for a fortification. There was nothing fantastic about the mountain forms. Everything was imposing. And these too were ours, an inheritance as precious, if not as plentiful in corn and milk, as the plains they guarded. For mountains elevate the mind, and give an inspiration of courage and dignity to the hardy races who own them and who breathe their atmosphere. We could sympathize with the enthusiast, who returned home after years of absence, and when asked what he had as an equivalent for so much lost time, answered: ‘I have seen the Rocky Mountains.’”

“Rocky Mountains / Montagnes Rocheuses” is among the 75 “Pan-Canadian names,” large and well-known Canadian features and areas designated in Treasury Board Circular 1983-58 to require presentation in both official languages of Canada on federal maps.


  • Knight, James [1640–1721]. Life and death by the frozen sea: the York Fort journals of Hudson’s Bay Company governor James Knight 1714–1717. Edited by Arthur J. Ray. Toronto: The Champlain Society, 2018
  • Arrowsmith, Aaron [1750–1823]. A Map Exhibiting All the New Discoveries in the Interior Parts of North America. Engraved by Lowry. Cadell and Davies, 1795. Historical Atlas of Canada
  • Franchère, Gabriel [1786–1863], and Lamb, William Kaye [1904–1999], editor. Journal of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, in the years 1811, 1812, 1813, and 1814. Toronto: Champlain Society, 1969. Internet Archive
  • Grant, George Monro [1835–1902]. Ocean to Ocean: Sandford Fleming’s Expedition through Canada in 1872. Being a Diary Kept During a Journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific with the Expedition of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Canadian Pacific and Intercolonial Railways. Toronto: James Campbell and Son, 1873. Google Books
  • Thorington, James Monroe [1895–1989]. The Glittering Mountains of Canada. A record of exploration and pioneering ascents in the Canadian Rockies 1914-1924. Philadelphia: John W. Lea, 1925. Internet Archive
  • Canadian Board on Geographical Names. Place-names of Alberta. Published for the Geographic Board by the Department of the Interior. Ottawa: Department of the Interior, 1928. Hathi Trust
  • Akrigg, Helen B., and Akrigg, George Philip Vernon [1913–2001]. British Columbia Place Names. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997. Internet Archive
  • British Columbia Geographical Names. Rocky Mountains
  • Wikipedia. Rocky Mountains

Rocky Mountain Trench

British Columbia. Trench
Columbia River and Fraser River and Peace River drainages
W side of Rocky Mountains, from Montana to the Liard Plateau
54.5 N 122.5 W — Map 093J07 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1950
Official in BCCanada

The Rocky Mountain Trench is a large valley on the western side of the northern part of the Rocky Mountains. The Trench is both visually and cartographically a striking physiographic feature extending approximately 1,600 km from Flathead Lake, Montana, to the Liard River, just south of the British Columbia–Yukon border near Watson Lake, Yukon. The trench bottom is 3–16 km wide and is 600–900 m above sea level. The general orientation of the Trench is an almost straight 150/330° geographic north vector and has become convenient as a visual guide for aviators heading north or south.

Although some of its topography has been carved into U-shaped glacial valleys, it is primarily a byproduct of geologic faulting. The Trench separates the Rocky Mountains on its east from the Columbia Mountains and the Cassiar Mountains on its west. It also skirts part of the McGregor Plateau area of the Nechako Plateau sub-area of the Interior Plateau of British Columbia.

The Trench is drained by four major river basins: the Columbia, Fraser, Peace and Liard. Two reservoirs of the Columbia River Treaty fill much of its length today – Lake Koocanusa and Kinbasket Lake. Rivers that follow the Trench, at least in part, are the Kootenay River, the Columbia River, the Canoe River, the Flathead River, the Fraser River, the Parsnip River, the Finlay River, the Fox River, and the Kechika River. The Fox, Parsnip and Finlay Rivers are part of the Peace River system. The Canoe River is a short tributary of the Columbia system, draining into Kinbasket Lake, a reservoir on the Columbia River.


Rockingham Falls

British Columbia. Former name
Former name of Thunder Falls
52.9247 N 118.8844 W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.

When Walter Butler Cheadle [1835–1910] passed this way in 1863, he named these falls on the south side of Moose Lake “Rockingham Falls.” Cheadle’s companion, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam Milton [1839–1877], was related to the Rockingham family. (The third Earl Fitzwilliam married Lady Anne Watson-Wentworth, eldest daughter of Charles Watson-Wentworth, second Marquess of Rockingham, Earl of Malton, who was Prime Minister of England from 1765 to 1766, and again in 1782.)

On some maps they are called “Rainbow Falls,” and the provincial parks branch calls them “Thunder Falls.” The creek that the falls are on is still called “Rockingham.”


  • Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam [1839–1877], and Cheadle, Walter Butler [1835–1910]. The North-West Passage by Land. Being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, undertaken with the view of exploring a route across the continent to British Columbia through British territory, by one of the northern passes in the Rocky Mountains. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1865. Internet Archive
  • White, James [1863–1928]. “Place names in the vicinity of Yellowhead Pass.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 6 (1914–1915):107-114
  • Valemount Historic Society. Yellowhead Pass and its People. Valemount, B.C.: 1984

Rockingham Creek

British Columbia. Creek: Fraser River drainage
Flows N into Yellowhead Lake
52.8656 N 118.5297 W — Map 083D15 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1924
Official in BCCanada

Named after Rockingham Falls.

Also see:

Robson Valley

British Columbia. Valley: Fraser River drainage
Along Fraser River, W. ofMount Robson
53.25 N 120 W — Map 093H01 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1983
Official in BCCanada

A name chosen in March, 1962, after a contest held by the Dunster Farmers’ Institute. The second and third choices were Echo Valley and Long Valley. The name was officially recognized in 1976.


  • Wheeler, Marilyn [1932–2016]. The Robson Valley Story. McBride, B.C.: Robson Valley Story Group, 1979
  • Wikipedia. Robson Valley

Robson River

British Columbia. River: Fraser River drainage
Flows SW into River E of Tête Jaune Cache
53.0272 N 119.2581 W — Map 083E03 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1956
Official in BCCanada

The Robson River was called “Grand River” in early journals. Its confluence with the Fraser was called the Grand Forks of the Fraser, a translation of the voyageur name Grande Fourche.

Pierre Bostonais dit “Tête Jaune” [d. 1827] had his fur cache somewhere in the vicinity of the Grand Forks, not at the present Tête Jaune Cache, which is near the mouth of the McLennan River.


  • Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. “A. L. Mumm — An Appreciation.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 16 (1927–1927):173-175
  • Harvey, Athelstan George [1884–1950]. “The mystery of Mount Robson.” B.C. Historical Quarterly, (1937)
  • Story, Norah. The Oxford Companion to Canadian History and Literature. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1967

Robson Pass

Alberta-BC boundary. Pass
Fraser River and Smoky River drainages
Headwaters of Robson River and Smoky River
53.15 N 119.1167 W — Map 83E/3 — GoogleGeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1956
Official in BCCanada

“Between Berg and Adolphus lakes lies Robson Pass,” wrote Arthur Oliver Wheeler [1860–1945] during the 1911 Alpine Club of Canada–Smithsonian Robson Expedition. “The pass is a shingle flat, rising gently to the ice-fall of the Robson Glacier, by the outflow from which it has been formed.”

After making a survey for the Alberta-British Columbia Boundary Commission in 1924, Wheeler wrote: “Robson Pass, 5,440 feet in altitude, is one of great technical interest owing to the fluctuations of the watershed.… The broad morainal flat at the summit of the pass is so nearly of a level that the outflow from Robson Glacier has been known to change the line of watershed.”


  • Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. “The Mountains of the Yellowhead Pass.” Alpine Journal, Vol. 26, No.198 (1912):382
  • Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. “Passes of the Great Divide.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 16 (1927–1927):117-135
  • Canadian Board on Geographical Names. Place-names of Alberta. Published for the Geographic Board by the Department of the Interior. Ottawa: Department of the Interior, 1928. Hathi Trust

Robson Glacier

Alberta-BC boundary. Glacier: Fraser River drainage
E of Berg Lake, NE of Mount Robson
53.1333 N 119.1 W — Map 83E/3 — GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1910 (Coleman)
Name officially adopted in 1956
Official in BCCanada
Robson Glacier six miles in iength. The watershed between Alberta and British Columbia lies up its centre. Photo: George Kinney, 1908

Robson Glacier six miles in iength. The watershed between Alberta and British Columbia lies up its centre. Photo: George Kinney, 1908
Canadian Alpine Journal 1909

Shows forefoot of Robson Glacier sending its waters northward to Lake Adolphus and southward to Berg Lake. The Great Divide lies between. Photo: Rev G.B. Kinney, 1908

Shows forefoot of Robson Glacier sending its waters northward to Lake Adolphus and southward to Berg Lake. The Great Divide lies between. Photo: Rev G.B. Kinney, 1908
Canadian Alpine Journal 1910

Working up through the vast and broken front of Hunga Glacier. Photo: R. C. W. Lett, 1911

Working up through the vast and broken front of Hunga Glacier. Photo: R. C. W. Lett, 1911
National Geographic Magazine 1913

Billings Butte - Robson Peak - Iyatunga Mountain. Panonamic view of the Robson massif and adjoining mountains, with the great Hunga glacier in the foreground. 
Photo: Charles D. Walcott, 1912

Billings Butte – Robson Peak – Iyatunga Mountain. Panonamic view of the Robson massif and adjoining mountains, with the great Hunga glacier in the foreground.
Photo: Charles D. Walcott, 1912
National Geographic Magazine 1913

The Robson Glacier and Pass showing streams flowing east and west. 
Photo: P.L. Tait, 1913

The Robson Glacier and Pass showing streams flowing east and west.
Photo: P.L. Tait, 1913
Canadian Alpine Journal 1915

On Robson Glacier. Dr. P.M. Campbell, C. Greenway, Helena Walcott, Preston L. Tait. Mount Robson ACC Camp. Photo: Byron Harmon, 1913

On Robson Glacier. Dr. P.M. Campbell, C. Greenway, Helena Walcott, Preston L. Tait. Mount Robson ACC Camp. Photo: Byron Harmon, 1913
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies

“Between Rearguard and Titkana Peak, leading from the wonderful snow-filled cirque, seen in its entirety from our station on the Lynx Range, flows the Robson Glacier,” wrote Arthur Oliver Wheeler [1860–1945] during the 1911 Alpine Club of Canada–Smithsonian Robson Expedition. “It describes a circular sweep around Rearguard, and, though much crevassed in its upper reaches, it generally easy to travel over.”


  • Kinney, George Rex Boyer [1872–1961]. “Mount Robson.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 2 (1909):10-16
  • Coleman, Arthur Philemon [1852–1939]. “Geology and glacial features of Mt. Robson.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1910):73-78
  • Coleman, Arthur Philemon [1852–1939]. The Canadian Rockies: New and Old Trails. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. Internet Archive
  • Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. “The Alpine Club of Canada’s expedition to Jasper Park, Yellowhead Pass and Mount Robson region, 1911.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 4 (1912):9-80
  • Walcott, Charles Doolittle [1850–1927]. “The monarch of the Canadian Rockies.” National Geographic Magazine, (1913):626. Internet Archive
  • Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. “Robson Glacier.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 6 (1914–1915):104-107