Between McGregor River and Torpy River
54.0839 N 121.3381 W — Map 093I03 — Google — GeoHack
Name officially adopted in 2002
Official in BC – Canada

George Evanoff
The Mountain Knows No Expert
Established in 2000, named after George Evanoff [d. 1988], member of the Prince George Land and Resource Management Plan table and active in a variety of outdoors organizations, who died 24 October 1998 as the result of a grizzly attack while hiking in the McGregor Range.
The park is situated in the Hart Ranges of the Canadian Rockies. This park protects one of the most remarkable caves, the nationally significant Fang Cave complex, which includes the ninth longest cave in Canada. Other caves include the Tooth Decave and Window on the West.
The 1,473 hectare park also provides a scenic, easily accessible destination for backcountry recreation. It includes picturesque alpine bowls, three small alpine lakes, and distinctive limestone pinnacles and ridges. Two separate trails, the Fang Trail and Torpy Trail, provide access to small alpine basins, with a connection over Fang Mountain. The Torpy Trail continues outside the park to Torpy Mountain.
- British Columbia Parks. Evanoff Provincial Park
- British Columbia Geographical Names. Evanoff Park