NW of junction of Albreda River and North Thompson River, Premier Range
52.5206 N 119.2036 W — Map 083D11 — Google — GeoHack
Name officially adopted in 1974
Official in BC – Canada

Sir Allan MacNab, 1853
Named in the 1927 Premier Range proclamation for the Right Honourable Sir Allan Napier MacNab [1798-1862], joint Premier of Upper Canada (coalition government with Robert Borden) fro 1854 to 1856.
MacNab opposed the reform movement in Upper Canada that was led by William Lyon Mackenzie. When Mackenzie led the Upper Canada Rebellion in 1837, MacNab was part of the force of British regular troops and Upper Canada militia that moved against Mackenzie at Montgomery’s Tavern in Toronto on 7 December, dispersing Mackenzie’s rebels in less than an hour. On 29 December, MacNab and Captain Andrew Drew, of the Royal Navy, commanding a party of militia, acting on information and guidance from Alexander McLeod, attacked Mackenzie’s supply ship at Navy Island. The sinking of the SS Caroline became known as the Caroline affair.
MacNab then led a militia of his own against the rebels marching towards Toronto from London, led by Charles Duncombe. Duncombe’s men also dispersed when they learned that MacNab was waiting for them.
In 1838, Macnab was knighted for his zeal in suppressing the rebellion.