Shuswap River

British Columbia. Former name: Fraser River drainage
Former name for Raush River
53.2 N 120 W GoogleGeoHack
Not currently an official name.
This former name appears on:
Trutch’s map of BC 1871 [as “Rau’ Shuswap”]
BC Lands Central BC 1892 [as “Rau Shuswap R.”]
Collie’s map Yellowhead Pass 1912
The river now known as the Raush River appears as “Rau’ Shuswap” on Trutch’s map of BC from 1871 and as “Big Shuswap R.” on the 1912 map of John Norman Collie [1859–1942]. Shuswap (Secwépemc) people lived in the area when Europeans showed up.

In 1863 Milton and Cheadle encountered Shuswap people at Jasper House and Tête Jaune Cache. “The Shushwaps of Jasper House formerly numbered about thirty families, but are now reduced to as many individuals,” they wrote. [1]

The Texqakallt band of the upper North Thompson River were the earliest known inhabitants of the upper reaches of the Fraser River. They were almost completely nomadic. Lodges and fish drying racks were constructed in prime salmon fishing territory at the confluence of the McLennan River and Fraser Rivers in the vicinity of what is now Tête Jaune Cache. As well as salmon from the Fraser, trout were reportedly taken from Yellowhead Lake. They hunted bighorn sheep, mountain goats, moose, marmots, and other small mammals and birds. They also relied on edible plants in the area, especially berries.[2]


  • 1. Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam [1839–1877], and Cheadle, Walter Butler [1835–1910]. The North-West Passage by Land. Being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, undertaken with the view of exploring a route across the continent to British Columbia through British territory, by one of the northern passes in the Rocky Mountains. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1865, p. 240. Internet Archive
  • 2. Wikipedia. Texqakallt

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